Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cookie Swap

Today was one of my favorite days of the year - Cookie Swap Day!!  Combining two of my favorite things - baking and the holidays!  The rules are pretty simple - everyone bakes a ton of one kind of cookie or dessert and divides them among the participants (no store bought cookies allowed!).  I had 12 people involved, so everyone made 6 dozen (6 pieces for each person).  At the end, you end up with 12 different types of cookies!  Here are some pictures of the big day.

 Only some of the treats!

My lovely assistant helping me get ready by making chocolate covered pretzels.

A cheeseball snowman

Obviously, I can't have a party without some cupcakes!  These are German chocolate with a vanilla buttercream.

One of my favorite bakers - my brother Matt!

Some bakers

More goodies!

One of my bffs and college roommate, Krissy and I 

Some of my friends since elementary school (Amy, me, Casey and Kim)

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